My joy knows no bound when I see tremendous growth of Hemnani Public School in the recent years. The grand success of the Annual Function held on 5 October 2024 in the Arya Auditorium, has given us an impetus to accelerate the wheels of education at a faster rate. Â
Since pandemic like many others, we too had many challenges namely, falling number of new admissions, migration to Govt/other schools and consequently severe financial constraints, but by THE GRACE OF GOD, we are  gradually coming out of the woods and have been able to survive the worst.
HPS aims to attain leadership position among all the schools in Delhi. Our results are good, our teachers are dedicated, learned and capable of imparting quality education, and are devoted towards the holistic development of students. Besides that our priority is to be properly equipped in all respects so that it is a complete school.
 We had a great exposure with our highly appreciated performance in the LAL LOI JI MOUJ at our school ground and Chetichand Mela at JLN Stadium. We have initiated AI powered learning for teachers and students and are ready with our mini sports complex with various sports facilities which will uplift the outlook of our school. Our dream to reality project has been fulfilled with the introduction of Science Stream with well-equipped labs. We are quite hopeful that from the next year onward our science faculty will be fully operational.
 I appreciate all my colleagues in the management for their rational and healthy support and also all the members of the staff – Teaching & Non-Teaching lead by the Principal of the school for their unconditional support at all times.
Vijay K. Hotchandani
Chartered Accountant