Notice Board

Principal's Message


Dear Parents

As we embark on our journey to a new session, we recommit ourselves for excellence, inclusivity and personal growth. We will continue to build our strengths and discover new skills to cultivate stimulating environment for our children.

It gives me a feeling of fulfillment when I look back at our achievements and outstanding success in academics and co-curricular activities. We now shine as a team. Our recent endeavour of ACP (Annual Class Program) provides an invaluable opportunity for each child to express themselves through music, dance, drama and other enthusiastic performances. By aligning with National Curriculum Framework , the annual class program reinforces the importance of a comprehensive education that helps in   overall development of our students. By integrating AI (Artificial intelligence ) , the students are able to  develop essential skills and prepare them for future where AI and technology play an important role in various aspects of life.

The school supports environment that celebrates individuality and creativity. The year ahead is going to be more promising and we look forward to a more effective  partnership with our parents. We are extremely grateful for your trust and collaboration. Let us continue to foster love of learning and growth of our children.


Ms. Geeta Balani

Our Facilities

Sprawling Playground
Moderate fee /self-defense training/smart classes
Safe & secured environment under the surveillance of cctv cameras
Workshops & seminars for student